Have your menu or content updated on Restaurant Hub

How to get your content updated on Restaurant Hub

We understand that your restaurant may go through changes all the time and we want to make it all a super easy process to get all the information updated. 

For updates to your menu, please email us at support@eveve.co.nz with the new menu attached. We then take care of everything from there on.

Updating your Opening Menu takes around 24 hours as it needs to go through an approval process. This means you can see your  new menus on your RestaurantHub feature and anywhere else that your Opening Menu is connected too, usually by the following day. Easy peasy!
RestaurantHub is an amazing new website

RestaurantHub helps diners find free tables without having to go from website to website searching, and is designed to bring restaurants more reservations by making it easier for people to reserve. You can find all restaurants with free tables from one search and book a table on the spot.
More than just a restaurant bookings directory, RestaurantHub is backed by New Zealand's largest media company, NZME, and also allows us to make your restaurant 'Discover-able' and 'Bookable' from some of New Zealand's biggest household names - New Zealand Herald, Metro Magazine, and many more big name affiliates. Diners can find your restaurant through a restaurant search tool found beside daily content or your booking form alongside your best reviews.
Let us know if there are any changes that you would like. We are happy to load new pictures, or descriptions if you send them to  support@eveve.co.nz .