How to Restore a Cancelled Booking

Cancelled the wrong booking or perhaps the customer changed their mind?

In this guide, learn how to restore a cancelled booking via your TMS Web, TMS Mobile and TMS Admin


1. In Plan View, Go to the Date of the Booking
2. Select 'Cancelled and No Show' Tab (at the top)
3. In the book list (on left), Click the Booking Name
4. Click 'Restore Booking'
5. If required, Update Date and Time of Booking
6. Click 'Confirm Changes'
7. All done!


1. Go to the Date of the Booking
2. Select 'Cancelled and No Show' Tab (X icon)
3. In the book list, Click the Booking Name
4. Click 'Restore Booking'
5. If required, Update Date and Time of Booking
6. Click 'Confirm Changes'
7. All done!


1. Go to the Date of the Booking 2. Click 'Summary' (at the top)
2. Click 'Cancelled' under Today's Bookings
3. This is your list of cancelled bookings for that day. Right Click the Booking Name you wish to restore
4. Click 'Restore Booking'
5. If required, Update Date and Time of Booking
6. Click 'Rebook'
7. All done!

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