How to Cancel Booking

Simple guide on how to Cancel a Booking

Why should you mark a “Cancel”?

  • To make table(s) available for other customers
  • So you don’t get charged/invoiced for the customer booking (we have no way of knowing who doesn't turn up unless you tell us)
  • To keep track of the customer details/reliability 

How do I mark a “Cancel” and update a booking?

Whether you're working from the TMS Admin, TMS Web or TMS Mobile version, the process is the exactly the same. 
  • Click on the Booking Name.
  • Cancel / Remove the Booking
  • The system will prompt you to confirm the update. Click OK and the booking will be removed, from that day but it will stay in your database.

    Oops! Cancelled the wrong booking, or perhaps the customer has changed their mind?

    >> How to Restore a Cancelled Booking

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